Household and Commercial Product Association’s XPAND2021
XPAND2021, HCPA’s Annual Meeting, will be a hybrid event this year. Over the course of 4 days, the conference will cover sessions on aerosols, air...
06 December, 2021
Biocides Europe 2021
TSG Consulting will be sponsoring the forthcoming Biocides Europe 2021 virtual conference. With constantly evolving guidance on data requirements and...
01 December, 2021
2021 Biostimulants World Congress
Biostimulants help support the natural nutrition processes of a plant’s lifecycle, which in turn helps to boost its growth, development, and...
29 November, 2021
Webinar: Data sharing for UK REACH
To minimize disruption when UK REACH came into force, the UK government enacted transitional ‘Grandfathering’ submissions and Downstream User...
24 November, 2021
The BCPC Congress 2021
TSG Consulting will be sponsoring and exhibiting at the BCPC Congress – "Providing policy and regulatory support for multi-functional UK...
TSG Forum event
02 November, 2021

About Science Group
Science Group is an international science, engineering and technology (“SET”) business providing a range of services to the medical, defence, industrial, food & beverage and consumer sectors, supplemented by a strategic products division where the Group holds leading market positions in associated technology sectors.