TSG Attends ABIM’s Global Biocontrol Industry Meeting
The Annual Biocontrol Industry Meeting (ABIM) will take place from October 23-25 in Basel, Switzerland at Congress Center Basel. The three-day...
23 October, 2017
CSPA’s Overview of U.S. Pesticide Regulations Course
The Consumer Specialty Products Association (CSPA) is hosting its annual “Overview of Pesticide Regulation” course in Washington D.C. from...
10 October, 2017
AgBio Innovate LATAM
The AgBio Innovate Latin America Conference will take place in Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil from September 19-21. The two-day event connects...
19 September, 2017
CIR’s Informa Conference
The Chemical Industry Regulations (CIR) will be hosting its annual conference in Nice, France from September 5-7. More than 250 agrochemical and...
05 September, 2017
AAFCO’s Annual Meeting
The Association of Animal Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) will have its Annual Meeting in Bellevue, Washington from August 9-13. The annual meeting...
09 August, 2017

About Science Group
Science Group is an international science, engineering and technology (“SET”) business providing a range of services to the medical, defence, industrial, food & beverage and consumer sectors, supplemented by a strategic products division where the Group holds leading market positions in associated technology sectors.