GB Plant Protection Products Regulation

From 1 January 2021, an independent pesticides regulatory regime came into operation in Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales). NI remains largely within the EU process, but both UK systems are overseen by CRD (Chemicals Regulation Division), part of the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

TSG's UK plant protection regulation consulting

  • We offer a wealth of expertise, gained from industry, government, and research providing you with effective support and guidance for ensuring and gaining regulatory compliance for active substances and plant protection products across the UK and Europe
  • Our multidisciplinary team of scientists, regulatory and registration specialists allows us to provide support across a range of areas, including study monitoring, task force management, dossier preparation including CADDY services
  • We have an extensive pan-European infrastructure with offices in France, Spain, Germany and the UK offering focused, local registration support
  • We provide strong and proactive project management to ensure that our clients’ needs are identified and met in a timely manner

Need help getting a pesticide product authorised in the UK?


TSG provides companies with high-quality regulatory and scientific consulting services. We aim to understand our clients' goals and objectives, learn the scientific and technical aspects of projects and anticipate compliance challenges to plan a strategic path forward. TSG's team of experts is deadline-focused, responsive and committed to professionalism. We have the utmost respect for the confidentiality of our work, strong project management skills, and take great measure to cultivate long-term partnerships with clients.

Our professionals

TSG's team of scientists and regulatory consultants manage all aspects of approving active substances and products for the plant protection industry. Key professionals working in the plant protection team include Iain Watt – Head of Plant Protection, Gareth Marshall, Lesley Last and Elinor Smith.

UK plant protection products - frequently asked questions

The CRD has launched plans for its own renewal process for active substance approvals. However, this will take time to fully develop and implement, so steps have been taken in the meantime to minimize inconvenience and disruption to the PPP industry. For instance, where the expiry date of approval for an active substance is three years or less from the end of the Transition Period (December 2020), the approval has been extended for three years from the existing expiry date.

Get in touch at [email protected] if you have any questions about your active substance renewals of approval.

Yes, Article 43 product reauthorisation submission deadlines will still need to be applied in Great Britain post GB renewal decision, and in Northern Ireland in line with decisions in the EU.

For the duration of the Northern Ireland Protocol (and beyond) EU Article 43 product reauthorisation submission deadlines will be applicable in Northern Ireland.

No. Unlike the REACH, Cosmetics and other regulations, companies are not required to have a UK based entity or responsible person in order to hold GB plant protection product approvals and sell into the UK market.

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